
The Truth and Transformation: Changing Racial Narratives in Media partnership would not be possible without the generous support of our funders. Thank you!


Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundations

In 2017, the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundations received a grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation for Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation (TRHT) work in the areas of racial healing and relationship building, narrative change, law, separation, and economy. The Saint Paul TRHT chose to focus on narrative change and racial healing and supported these two projects:

Truth and Transformation: Changing Racial Narratives in Media is a partnership that aims to change problematic racial narratives by helping news professionals uncover their own biases and assumptions, and amplify community solutions to narrative change. Minnesota Public Radio, KMOJ/98.8 Radio, the Minnesota Humanities Center, Hamline University, Pillsbury United Communities and ThreeSixty Journalism have partnered to create a two-day statewide news media training in March 2019.

The New Narrative Project is a campaign designed by and for African-American males ages 11 to 32 in Saint Paul and the surrounding metro area. The project focuses on history through the lens of Gordon Parks, racial healing and affirmation, and the creation of new narratives about black males. This project is a partnership between High School for Recording Arts, Individuals with Dreams, Irreducible Grace Foundation, SoulTouch Productions, Youth Lens 360 and is managed by Creative Catalysts.


Additional support provided by

Arts and Cultural Heritage FunD from the State of Minnesota.

The Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund receives 19.75 percent of the sales tax revenue resulting from the Legacy amendment to support arts, arts education and arts access, and to preserve Minnesota's history and cultural heritage. A portion of the dollars appropriated from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund are being made available through the Minnesota Humanities Center.


Andrew w. mellon foundation

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation endeavors to strengthen, promote, and, where necessary, defend the contributions of the humanities and the arts to human flourishing and to the well-being of diverse and democratic societies. Support for this project is provided through the Minnesota Humanities Center.
